What does my child need to bring to school?
Your child will need to bring a drinks bottle (filled with water only), a book bag, coat and a packed lunch (if they are having this instead of a school dinner).
Does my child do PE?
Reception class will do PE once a week. We will let you know which day this will be and your child must come to school dressed in their PE kit. They will stay in their PE kit all day. School will provide their first PE t-shirt.
How will I know what my child is learning at school?
You will be able to see the activities and learning that your child has done each day on their Tapestry online learning journal. Photos and information will also be posted on our class dojo page. We will let you know about the phonics we are learning each day on dojo along with handwriting demonstrations and the correct way to say each sound so you can practise at home with your child.
What happens if they wet/soil themselves at school?
Please provide your child with a spare change of clothes that can be kept at school (even if they do not usually have accidents). You child needs to be able to wipe their own bottom - you can provide wipes for your child to use. If your child has soiled themselves, we will guide them to clean themselves up. If they are unable to or if we think they are unwell and have an upset tummy, parents will be called.
How do I order my child a school dinner?
All children in Year R are entitled to a school dinner free of charge. The menu for each term will be posted on the whole school dojo page. Please look through the menu each day and decide with your child what they would like to eat that day - there is a meat option, vegetarian option or a jacket potato - and they tell the teacher at morning register. Your child can bring in a packed lunch instead if they prefer or switch between a school dinner and a pack lunch depending on the menu.
Do they have a snack at school?
Children have a snack every day which is provided by school - either a piece of fruit or a vegetable such as bananas, apples, tomatoes, peas, cucumber etc. Children receive free school milk until their fifth birthday.
Where can I buy the school uniform?
You can buy the school uniform with logos from Eastenders in Sittingbourne or online at https://www.sewdistinctive.co.uk/. Unform (without logos) can be purchased from all major supermarkets. Please remember to label EVERY piece of school uniform and PE kit with your childs name and first letter of their surname.