Given the current pandemic, I'm sure everyone can appreciate the importance of our school maintaining accurate attendance records. If your child is going to be absent from school - you MUST notify us.
The school number is 01795 472972 and has a dedicated absence line (option 1).
Please call as early as possible before your child's registration time. Please clearly identify yourself, the child that is absent and leave a clear explanation as to why. If you are declaring that your child has covid symptoms, then you should self isolate and arrange a test (this can be done by calling 119).
The child will not be permitted back into school until they have a test result. Please keep us updated of the situation daily, as we should be made aware of any delays or problems in the testing process. Reporting child absence and illness is a key safeguarding requirement. It will directly impact on the school and the procedures we have in place to keep ALL the children safe.
If you fail to report your childs absence, in line with our attendance policy, it will be classed as unauthorised absence and dealt with via the KCC PIAS (PRU, Inclusion and Attendance Service) which could result in a penalty notice.
Applying for a Leave of Absence
If you intend to take your child out of school, whatever the reason, then you must notify us of the intended dates. Below is the form that must be completed and submitted via the office. It is a key safeguarding document and must be completed so we are aware of exactly when your child is not expected in school and why.