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Milton Court School & Nursery

Working together, we aspire for excellence

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Milton Court School & Nursery

Working together, we aspire for excellence

Key Documentation


At Milton Court, our Religious Education curriculum aims to support the children to explore big questions about life in order to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live. This enables pupils to make sense of religion and world views, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. Children develop the essential characteristics of a broad base of substantive, disciplinary and personal knowledge and learn both from and about a range of religions and world views. They will experience sacred texts and artefacts to see how these have influenced and continue to influence people’s way of life. Effective learners in RE will know that their voices are valued. They will feel that they can ask questions and contribute to answers. They will show the skill of empathy, and this will enable them to understand how religion and world views shape people’s lives. Effective learners in RE will, over time, develop skills to articulate their own opinions and beliefs.



  • RE is taught through an enquiry-based approach with a different enquiry for each half term that focuses on one religion at a time
  • Each enquiry is designed to deepen children’s critical thinking skills by develop their subject knowledge and their spiritual development
  • Each enquiry begins with a big question which is then explored through a 4 step process:

-Engagement: how can they relate the underpinning concept to their own world

-Investigation: what do they need to learn about the religion in order to answer the big question

-Evaluation: how well can they apply the knowledge to the big question using critical thinking and evaluation skills

-Expression: how do they express what difference this enquiry has made to them, their thinking and their starting point

  • Each enquiry has a learning objective which shows the learning over the enquiry and the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development opportunities are mapped out alongside each enquiry’s contribution to the British Values
  • Each enquiry features key knowledge, skills and linked vocabulary
  • As the children progress through the school, they revisit the appropriately sequenced RE knowledge, skills and vocabulary so that they are build on year-by-year to deepen understanding
  • Children are provided with a variety of opportunities for RE learning inside and outside the classroom, including visiting experts to enhance the learning experience. 
  • Challenge questions are provided for pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner.



Our RE curriculum is planned to demonstrate skills, knowledge and vocabulary progression to ensure age related attainment at the end of each Key Stage. Upon completion of each enquiry teachers will assess children against the progression of skills and knowledge document. 


Each enquiry’s clear structure allows pupils to demonstrate:

  • Personal resonance with and/or reflection on the concept underpinning the subject matter of the enquiry
  • Children’s own thoughts, beliefs, opinions and empathy
  • Knowledge of the subject matter of each enquiry
  • Evaluative and critical thinking skills


Termly assessment will take place to track children’s progress against age related expectations for RE.


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from parts or all of the RE curriculum. If you wish to withdraw your child, please contact the headteacher via the school reception or through the office email (
